Wednesday Life Group - 2023-24

Let's create space to connect with God and each other in a low-key, meaningful way. Our gatherings will cover a mix of spiritual formation, community building, and sermon topics. There will also be time to catch up with group members each week.

You are welcome to check out the group a couple of times. Then we ask you to commit to coming regularly so that we can more readily foster a sense of community.

This group will meet the first three Wednesdays of each month from Sept-May. These meetings will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings (1-2 in person, 1-2 virtual). We will also have socials at least once a month. Led by Cindy Chen and Jenny Sun.


Let's create space to connect with God and each other in a low-key, meaningful way. Our gatherings will cover a mix of spiritual formation, community building, and sermon topics. There will also be time to catch up with group members each week.

You are welcome to check out the group a couple of times. Then we ask you to commit to coming regularly so that we can more readily foster a sense of community.

This group will meet the first three Wednesdays of each month from Sept-May. These meetings will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings (1-2 in person, 1-2 virtual). We will also have socials at least once a month. Led by Cindy Chen and Jenny Sun.